Friday, June 24, 2005

RICHMOND, CA - 6/24/05

So the tour started off with some snags. The Mormons van had some
problems and they couldn’t find a trailer anywhere. The closest U-Haul
trailer was in Wyoming so they were pretty well fucked. They wound up
buying the funniest trailer ever in Santa Barbara. Its covered with
wolf paintings and has a dog house roof on it. Check the pictures...

utah_mormon trailer, originally uploaded by mormons - 8 bit tour.

The Mormons wound up missing the first show in Richmond, CA, because of
all the difficulties so we kidnapped Joey (the Mormons drummer). We
got to the show and it was basically Al’s bar in LA but a little north
and called Burnt Ramen.

The neighborhood was packed with crackheads. I guess officials were
debating calling a ‘state of emergerncy’ for the city due to a rash of
recent shootings in the neighborhood. Whatever...

So we saw that the crowd was mostly punk rockers and metal friendly
people. No rap group has ever played there. Whatever.

Instead of closing with ‘Suck my dick’ we wound up opening with it.
Immediately after the song Anti-log asked for all the tough guys to
please step forward. He handed over a beer bottle and said that 8-bit
would give anyone a free t-shirt thar could break a bottle over his
head. No one could do it.

The bouncer guy took a whack and had no luck so he kept hitting
Anti-log over the shoulder and one good shot in the knuckle. Robo-t
kicked him and he backed off. Then the robots went back into their
drunken robot-ery.

It was a pretty tough crowd but some of the people from other local
bands were having fun and were really cool. I can’t say that we killed
the place but fuck it. Some people were cool and were supportive so it
was pretty successful. We are pretty comfortable with that fact that
we aren’t everybody’s cup of tea. We come off more like a cup of pee
to people. Again, whatever..... It was cool that friends of
Penfifteen came to the show and were really nice guys. We have been
overloaded lately with a gang of cool people from Santa Barbara.

utah_8BITPLAYS, originally uploaded by mormons - 8 bit tour.

We left the show and drove drunk through Nevada to the next show in
Utah. Everyone was sleeping and i was listening to some talk radio
show about UFO’s. We hit a patch of desert and it looked like it was
covered with snow. It turned out to be he salt flats past Bonneville
speedway. It was crazy looking. I’ve never seen such a lifeless
desolate place in my life. I was coming down from a drunk, listening
to UFO stories, hallucinating from lack of sleep, and was driving
through what looked like Mars. It was the neatest landscape we’ve come
across so far.